I want to dedicate this to anyone and everyone who has ever felt oppressed in any way (be it because of your race, gender, gender preference, all of the above and/or more); this is for you!
"Born This Way"
"Born This Way"
By: Edwin Calvo
I have a darker complexion,
It's real, not fake;
No need for tanning
For I was born this way.
I have a caramel color
That glistens in the sun
Whenever covered in the sweat
Of a labor day begun.
Like honey, all natural,
Sweet even; if you may
Taste my soul you'll find out
That I was born this way.
I did not ask to be this kind,
Gentle and comprehensive
Nor did I ask to be born
In a world, so apprehensive.
I struggle to know the reason why
Many seem to convey
A negativity towards the fact
That I was born this way.
They say that it's not natural,
They say it should not be,
They say I'll burn in hell,
But they don't even know me.
They call me names in a cruel way
To see me hurt inside,
To feel themselves superior
They engrave doubt in my mind.
I've had enough, it's just too much
And so today I want to say:
It's not my fault,
I was born this way!