Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Boomerang" (Erika)

Inspired by and dedicated to Erika Torres.

A storm nears
And fear
Takes hold of your heart as it steers
You into a panic that keeps pain real.

You are told to not be afraid.
You are told that calm will come after the rain;
But when it stops raining you still feel pain,
Because the fact is that you miss the storm, you miss the gray.

You miss the cloudy skies,
You miss that old fib, that old lie.
You miss the thunder loud chime
That you heard when you looked into his eyes.

Yea, you miss the fights ever-when he got home,
Every night when it got cold,
Every night you spent alone,
To your love, trying to hold on.

You miss him, you miss his touch.
You miss it all so much.
You miss him by your side enough
To cry when he is gone.

It is love, not only lust.
It is the fact that you do trust
The fact that he will always back-come because he must
Re-route to return like a boomerang to re-adjust.

So finally to this-finalize
When you look at yourself realize
That you have the power to make any man compromise
Himself so that he may able-be to analyze the true potential of your mind.

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