Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ignoring Truth And Fact

Ignoring truth and fact,
I rather lie and act
As the character that I am assigned
In this play that we call life.

Ignoring truth and fact,
I rather be a rat
Than a frog you try to kiss
To transform me into a prince.

Ignoring truth and fact,
It is simple, the truth is that
I really do detest
Your person at its best.

Monday, March 28, 2011

When You're Around

A ray of sunshine
Sneaks in through a tiny crack.
It sneaks in through the curtains
That make my room pitch black.

I spend most of my time
Inside and alone.
So when I see sun light
I kind of miss the cold,

Dark loneliness.
Except when you're around.
You have a way of turning
A frown up-side-down.

That is why you are loved.
That is why you are called a friend.
You don't have to do anything,
With you I wont pretend.

When you're around
I wont look down
So that the fear
Of falling to the ground

Wont manifest itself.
I will look up
And look fear in the eye
Because with you I am a wolf, I am no pup.

No Doubt

There's no doubt that she's a character,
Because of it many are after her.
Disaster her
They want, but can't
And they just can't comprehend,
Why whenever she falls, she manages to stand.

There's no doubt that she's a character
Full of life.
Her might, her strength
There's not one soul that can pretend
That her beauty can't,
Anyone it catches, at the knees make bend.

There's no doubt that she's a character,
But is there doubt inside of her?
I want to know if she concurs
To the theory within my mind.
The theory of there being a story behind her eyes,
A truth that damages her from deep inside.

There's no doubt that she's a character,
But does she know that, because of her,
I cry when she's saddened and I die.
When ever she's in need I fly
To her so she may feel safe.
Any time she needs me, I'm never late.

There's no doubt that she's a character,
No, there's no doubt that she could master
My heart.
I bet she could make me stay and not be apart
From her, from her body or from her intellect.
I bet she could make me complete, with her I'd be perfect.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

"Lioness, You Are Loved" (Yasmin 04)

Inspired by and dedicated to Yasmin J. Cruz.

Inspired, she speaks of loneliness
And yes,
Of lonely nights.
I wonder if she knows
About this, out of control,
Feeling that I fight.

She speaks of broken hearts,
Hearts stabbed by Cupid’s darts.
Hearts crippled to a halt
By the pain never
Ignored by the clever,
The pain of fish in salt.

She seems to me
To be
Stronger than she thinks.
She seems to me so beautiful
And truthfully, just to be truthful,
She takes me to the brink.

With just her simple smile
A soul so vile
Would seize to rot.
She conjures up pure purity,
A kindness that creates unity
With even the antagonists within her plot.

Such a being, with such a mind,
With such wonders behind
Her beautiful eyes.
Such perfection,
As if an infection,
She fills the heart with a love that never dies.

A queen, she is
The mother of bliss,
Giving birth to nothing but good.
A lioness,
When being oppressed,
She growls and bites to make herself understood.

She's kind,
I find,
She's also strong.
She's loving, loved
And held highest above
All else by those whom, to her, would never do wrong.

She is precious, indeed,
She is selfless and greed,
To her, is something unknown.
Her soothing embrace,
The sight of her face,
The warmth of her soul, they cannot be outgrown.

Monday, March 21, 2011

"Sonrisa" (Alysha)

Inspirado por y dedicado a Alysha Marte Flores.

Una sonrisa tan caliente
Como la tuya es suficiente
Para derretir el hielo que queda al rededor
De este frió corazón.

Ese amor tan sincero,
Esa personalidad que mantiene ligero
Este peso que yo siento sobre mis hombros,
Querida, me pone tonto.

Tu ser, tu amistad, tu querer.
Estas son las cosas que cualquiera quisiera tener.
Eres única y únicamente tan perfecta,
Tu presencia es lo que a todos nos completa.

Madre, esposa, amiga.
Eres la inspiración que mantiene viva mi armonía.
Siempre inspiras algo bueno nunca algo malo.
Eres ángel, eres flor, eres el aire que respiramos.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Contemplating Confusion

...And now this feeling. To think that I, who am but a single rain drop in the desert sun, could live eternally inside a cave of ice. Though ice does come from water, when applied the correct temperature has been and I, a raindrop, water being myself, oh! how different we both be.

To be, and stop being one who shadows does love with all thy can, a someone who something tries to be. ‘Tis hypocrisy isn’t it? To be someone who something tries to be and not himself. Oh! What hypocrites! And to think that in this world we live this way. We being not me, included, any more, but once before I would have been.

Hypocrisy now is a way of life but in the past a choice, indeed, it was. A path that once did split we now walk without a will. A will owned now, not by us but, by society. A will that exist now for no purpose, but the purpose of reminding us of our social slavery.

Is this slavery a must? Is this slavery a must, I ask and if it be not a must, Is it possible to walk away? Or are we betrayed by our own selfish will and tung-tied are we left? Tung-tied by such a royal riddle written and said before so many times that even memorized, tung-tide it doth still leave us.

Tung-tide, now a mute, how can a man express his love?! Oh! Romeo how I admire you! To dispose of such filling feelings in such an honorable manner. To let go of your tung and let know to the loved the feelings of the lover. How must it be carried out? Do words posses the power? And if in words the secret key may indeed lie, what must be done to make it rise from where it lays? Must words be spoken, written, or directed indirectly towards the mind? Oh! What must I do?!

Confused by a stormy night and a sky so dark and never clear. Not even the light of the North Star I see leaving me lost at sea. No sight, no touch, no smell. How can I live? Neither a taste, nor the sound of grace. Disgraced now, what can I give?!

A thought! A thought! Oh! God! A thought! My Lord, what does this mean? May it mean my salvation, God? Is it Lady Love that has come for me?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Will Not Pretend

I'm dying slowly
Thinking coldly
About all things
That matter not.

Maybe I can't take it anymore,
Not alone,
Not like before.
I guess it's time for me to stop.

Bleeding bad blood,
I think I've bled enough
From these wounds
It seems my heart forgot.

The truth is they're still there
And they do still bleed, near
The heart, and cloud the mind when clear.
I think a lot.

I think about
All of the doubts
That have left me in a drought
Of the love that used to fill me to the top.

Breathing is hard,
Like a smoker, my lungs are charred.
Charcoal black, the color of a heart too scarred.
I took the easy route last time; I folded before the flop.

I didn't feel like dealing with it again,
I hope that you can understand
That this time I will not pretend
To be happy when I'm not!